The Best Diet for Healthy Aging (Updated)

The Best Diet for Healthy Aging (Updated)

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Food for healthy aging: Swapping just 1 percent of plant protein in place of animal protein was associated with significantly less age-related deficit accumulation.

Aging is the topic of my forthcoming book, How Not to Age, out in 2023. I can’t wait to share all of what I found!

This update has changes to the reference of eggs around 0:43.

Some of my other popular videos on aging and longevity include:
• How to Counter the Inflammation of Aging (
• Fruits, Veggies, and Longevity: How Many Minutes Per Mouthful? (
• Do Flexitarians Live Longer? (
• Methionine Restriction as a Life-Extension Strategy (
• How to Slow Brain Aging by Two Years (
• Turning the Clock Back 14 Years (
• Longer Life Within Walking Distance (
• Telomeres: Cap It All Off with Diet (
• The Okinawa Diet: Living to 100 (
• Caloric Restriction vs. Animal-Protein Restriction (
• Increased Lifespan from Beans (
• The Benefits of Calorie Restriction for Longevity (
• Does Intermittent Fasting Increase Human Life Expectancy? (
• How to Increase Your Life Expectancy 12 to 14 Years (
• How to Boost FGF21 with Diet for Longevity (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Title: The Best Diet for Healthy Aging (Updated)
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